State, Definition Without Final Meaning
Oeh: Teguh Estro*
Oeh: Teguh Estro*
“If there are no rules, there being no state….”
(Ernest Gellner)
Definition of a state always develop follow epoch’s and circumstance change. That also form of state always being development from Tribal’s state until union state like nowadays. In its history mankind was lived in all development stage of state. Before mankind recognize modern state, they was passed tribal stage. Such as Indian people in Latina’s America, Aborigin in Australia continent and Mongolian in Asian. They are live in small organization from people to people and in simple communication. And then next epoch arise monarchi as a state’s form. Such as Spain, Britain, France, Ottoman or Japan. At the world war II epoch, existency of monarchi very obvios covering all world issue.
Axiomatic : Human is zoon politicon
Human is politic according to his character. Human have basic necessary in his life. Such as food necessary, home, literacy and sexual’s necessary. For attempt his necessary, human must need entire instruments. For an example, food necessary there are not being without farming sector or industrial’s machine. So, very reasonable if human attempt his nature like a forest to be farming location. That also very reasonable if human dig in the earth look for iron mineral for machine’s industrial. Then who is managing if all sector have growth develop in society. Ofcourse, society need one people or one team to manage their necessaries. This is a reason why one people can not ‘live’ without the others, specially nowadays, while one country and other’s tied in trade agreement. That just first stage from human live sirculation. Mankind has passed through fundamental stages in its history : the pre agrarian- Agrarian – and the industrial.
In brief, state is an organization that can being human necessary, surely within social contract. But in its development, people need additional live necessary. In fact number of people always growth eventhogh domestic necessary was limited. That is brief reason, why one tribal attack the other place beside security factor. In this condition, state’s function was developed from being primary necessary to occupate the other place. So, people will use military’s policy naturally. Transition from tribal state to monarchi state is beginning while military unsure was entered. Lord character change drastic more to order politic affair than domestic affair.
Monarchy’s Manifest to Modern State
Character of Monarchy’s state model is while power legitimacy handle by family clan. But in its development, many of empire that’s manage his people with good managing of governance. Such as ottoman kingdom, Spain kingdom and Britain kingdom. They are recognizing kind position in governance. As we know there are ministry, prime ministry, military affairs etc. so, surely modern state just the modification of monarchy’s model. Basicly nothing difference among them. Even nowadays, monarchys model still exist in several countries.
* Activist of 'Lensa Kalijaga' Student press.
** bahan bacaan :
- Muqaddimah author ibn Khaldun
- Nation and Nationalism author Ernest Gellner
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